The Secret Life Of Kids Bunk Beds

The Secret Life Of Kids Bunk Beds

Malissa 0 11 05.05 06:20
Kids Bunk Beds With Storage

Kids bunk beds with storage maximise the floor space in shared bedrooms and allow parents to keep the room neat and tidy. Choose from classic twin-over-twin styles or select a design that can accommodate a full mattress as a trundle bed, ideal for sleepovers.

Staircases can add a touch of style to the design and take up less space than ladders. Several models include built-in drawers that make it easy to store of clothes and toys.

Maxtrix Loft bed with Desk

Maxtrix loft beds with desks are a modular solution for kids who want to grow from toddlers to teens. Start with an elementary bunk bed and then add on to increase the amount of sleep space, study spaces, and design. Pick from fun accessories such as top tents, LED lighting, or floating shelf nightstands. As your child grows older and starts to be serious about schoolwork, you can add an office for students. This will turn the loft into a sleeping space and studying combo.

The Maxtrix System is a smart and versatile option that will work in most rooms. The beds are constructed from premium solid woods (Maple Birch, Aspen and Aspen), and painted with low VOC paints that are safe for children and pets. The wood is cut to exacting standards and then sanded to ensure that the beds last for a long time. The beds also feature high-quality safety rails to prevent nighttime falls. All drawers in the dresser feature English dovetail drawer joinery, as well as ball bearing glides made of stainless steel to ensure durability for a long time.

This set comes with a matching student desk to complete your child's ultimate study and sleeping combo. The desk comes with built-in steps that double as storage drawers to help keep your room tidy and tidy. This combination is the best for children who are getting ready to enter college. It also can easily be converted to a standard twin bed to reuse it to accommodate younger siblings.

Our client Alexie was looking to make the most of the limited space available for her kindergartener. The Maxtrix team assisted her in figuring out the best method to construct an imposing loft that had stairs and a desk for Hudson's new school setup. The result was a practical configuration that fit her kids beds bunk their unique room layout and complied with all Maxtrix safety standards.



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