10 Essentials On Good Prams You Didn't Learn In School

10 Essentials On Good Prams You Didn't Learn In School

Kandis 0 18 06.16 18:02
What Makes Good Prams?

A pram (also known as a pushchair or stroller) is the main form of transport for infants and toddlers. A quality pram is a combination of comfort, safety and design that makes walking fun for the entire family.

The R for Rabbit Poppins Joy Stylish Baby Stroller is a wonderful pram for newborns to 3-year-old children. The Reversible handle lets you flip the seat to face your child or the world.


You want your child to be comfortable when you're out with them. The good news is that there are prams specifically designed to ensure your child isn't apprehensive.

All the prams in this guide let your baby lay flat. This is important for newborns since it improves oxygenation and strengthens their spine and hips. The seats can also be adjusted to a more upright position once your child is able to sit up.

Venicci egg2 is a high-end pram that has a cocoon-like feel for your baby. It has smooth, curvaceous lines and a bucket-shaped seat which doesn't recline into an upright position however, it does come with an upholstered mattress and liner. It's also lighter than most prams on the market at under 8kg but still has an extremely sturdy chassis and grained leather accents and air-filled tyres that are puncture-proof and can handle more rugged terrains.

If you want something more budget-friendly but with a similar style, the Minu V2 (minus carrycot) is another excellent choice. The stylish one-hand steer model isn't as lightweight than some of the other prams we've tested but it does have a big storage basket and an extended hood with UPF50+ protection that'll keep your baby shaded and protected.

If you are a first time parent, we recommend that you consider a travel system package which includes a car seat and pram that attaches to the same frame. This makes it easier for parents to transfer their baby from their car to the pram without having to wake them up. The Bugaboo Dragonfly travel system is a stylish and functional pram that is able to be easily converted from a 'pramette or a lie-flat 'pramette into a stroller that is toddler-friendly compatible with the Graco ISize car seat.



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